Creating Hipchat account for one admin and two users
- sign-up (Full Name, Working Email)
- Create new team
- Click on “No thanks, I’ll send invites later”
- Click on Hipchat logo on top left corner
- Group admin → Users → Add
above step will add users and send invitation to their mail.
Check your mail and join the invitation
- Fill in details with working mail id
- Click on Launch the web app“
3. Installing node.js and npm
4. Installing hubot yeoman generator
5. Installing the Heroku Toolbelt
6. Clone the repository
7. Configure it
Go to hipchat home page (not chat page) of one of the user or admin Accoount settings → XMPP/Jabber info
4. Installing hubot yeoman generator
5. Installing the Heroku Toolbelt
6. Clone the repository
7. Configure it
$ heroku config:add HEROKU_URL=
Go to hipchat home page (not chat page) of one of the user or admin Accoount settings → XMPP/Jabber info
$ heroku config:add HUBOT_HIPCHAT_JID="id from above"$ heroku config:add HUBOT_HIPCHAT_PASSWORD="password when you created account"
Logout the hipchat account which you have just registered for robot, here in this case we chose admin account for hubot.
on both user hipchat account that admin green bubble turned grey ;)
8. Deploy your changes
9. Running process
AS soon as the above process run, check the hipchat user account, bot’s bubble turned to green and available.
9. Running process
AS soon as the above process run, check the hipchat user account, bot’s bubble turned to green and available.
Go to
one of the room and check by texting @<your_bot_name> help, it’ll respond
with some set of instructions.
[Below are
some useful commands]
Stopping process
Current process state
Checking log
Restart heroku
Current process state
Checking log
Restart heroku